An epic mother/daughter, cross-cultural saga that spans 50 years, THE VALLEY OF AMAZEMENT is my March ARC book. (Check out the Artful Readers Club on Facebook.) From the turn of the 20th century in Shanghai to isolated Mood Pond Village in China, to San Francisco, Amy Tan tells the story of three generations of women. She brings the world of the courtesans (NEVER call them prostitutes, but if it walks like a duck....) to vivid, very interesting, but unemotional light. We see tragedy upon tragedy blended with China's history and myth. Tan revisits themes she does so well... mothers and daughters, the lost child, the plight of women and the hand of fate. In THE VALLEY OF AMAZEMENT, young Violet is fated to repeat her mother's mistakes. Longing for lives of adventure, recognition and comfort, both mother and daughter fall prey to men's treachery and their own self-delusions. Tan clearly portrays the profession of courtesans as one that many young women were victimized and forced into, whether due to human trafficking or the basic human need for survival.
At more than 600 pages, all the loss and pain became numbing and the ending felt rushed. There was too much dialogue of furnishings and clothes. I think it could have been edited by at least 100 pages to be a better, more succinct story. Added to the fact that I found none of the characters particularly likeable, this book was LESS THAN AMAZING!!! Sorry Amy!
Here are some photos of Chinese courtesans that I found online...note how young they are.
And here's my art representing the book...THE VALLEY OF AMAZEMENT by Amy Tan.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Perhaps this is a book you'd enjoy...for me, it was a 3 star (out of 5) read!