Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 7, 2013
Hi Folks,
Hope you're enjoying your weekend. I've had some time to work on more blog challenges that I'd like to share... for your enjoyment and mine!  :)
TAKE A WORD zeroed in on "childhood" and THE THREE MUSES did the same with "reflections." I created one art piece to satisfy both challenges...
Joy is the theme of the current INSPIRATION AVENUE challenge...
Finally, COLLAGE OBSESSION's challenge is all about "friends..."
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend... I look forward to seeing you some time next week. Thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013 
Hi Dear Ones,
Today's the first day that FEELS like Autumn, (my favorite season,) might be  right around the corner.  Its cooler temperatures forecast the beautiful, colorful season ahead. In fact, the challenge blog, TAKE A WORD, declared Autumn as this week's theme...

I started with creating a child jumping in the autumn leaves, then played in Photoshop some more. Which one do you prefer?
Wild West was the theme choice for SUNDAY POSTCARD ART... of course, I chose to portray an American Cowgirl! 
THE THREE MUSES challenged participating artists to include an eye in their piece of art...
Finally, Flicker's DIGITALMANIA introduced collage artist MARSHA BALIAN... to inspire us. She's also a health care provider... what a woman!! She inspired me to do this fun collage piece... (Thankfully, she did some funky drawing pieces too, so I felt right at home! )
She also inspired this more serious piece!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate your company!
Until next time, stay well and enjoy your days...
Big Hugs,