Sunday, June 11, 2017

JUNE 10, 2017

                               Medieval Orvieto,
a golden city
kissing the face of God;

Majestic, striking, memorable...
a comfortable nest
resting atop tufa volcanic rock-
and an underground world of
Etruscan tombs, caves, wells and tunnels.


Inhale the antiquity of the city...
splendor of ages past...
still and ever present.

Awe-inspiring art...
part of everyday Orvietani life...
as large as the city's ancient, magnificent Duomo,

as small as a crumbling shrine, high on a passing wall:


The reserve and warmth
of Orvietani...
a shy smile,
"Buon giorno..."
a short chat...longer later...
New friends;

Winding cobblestone streets
soon familiar,
Evocative lanes...visual surprises-

Keeping the medieval mystery alive;


Stunning rooftops,

lush green hills,
dotted with vineyards
and cypress trees...

the blending of church bells 
ringing through the ages...

Reminders of children playing...
the lilt of the beautiful native language;

no tourist crush...few cars...

inviting shops and market days;

the fresh, homemade food;

Leisurely evening strolls
along lamp-lit streets...

Watching the sunset...

Enjoying the day's last homemade gelato-

At home in my heart.