Friday, August 26, 2011


WINDOWS and DOORWAYS... an extra

August 26, 2011 

 THREE MUSES requested that a WINDOW be included in their challenge...

    Nose prints on glass, distant fragrances unsensed;
fingerprints on glass, distant objects untouched-
signs of breath fade to black...
just looking...
inviting, yet uninvited;
seeing, yet unseen.
I see the life of the street reflected...
life being lived, suffered, dreamed...
a view of what has passed 
or the promise of new worlds;
a view of moments frozen in time.
Some windows are not transparent at all,
but are darkened and closed to view...
In all, windows are a reflection of life...
yesterday, today and tomorrow.
 (abby lazar)

"a library doesn't need windows-
a library IS a window!"
                                     (steward brand)

 Thanks again for stopping by...I hope to see you next time!   :o) 



  1. Abby- I wandered over to peek in your window and wow! Your words and art are perfect companions. There is an ebb and flow in the image as well as the words. Thanks for coming by my place today- I appreciate it very much. I hope to be doing more of the Three Muses challenges again, so I will see you there!

  2. i totally like this post, the art and the words...

  3. Your art and your words are both beautiful, Abby, thank you so much for sharing at the Three Muses.

  4. Your window is superb, Abby. I love the artwork and the words on windows. Thanks so much for taking part in the challenge this week. Hope to see you back as often as you have the time!
    Hey, is someone taking my picture by remote control? I hear a camera clicking or do I imagine it?

  5. I bow to your talent, Abby. The art is perfection, and your words are truly lyrical. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  6. What a beautiful blog Abby! Just returned from Orvieto where I saw your pieces posted on the San Lodovico bulletin board:)
