Friday, October 21, 2011


October 21, 2011  

" circle of life...a path unwinding"
My Mom and me in my younger years... 
Childhood comprises such formative years...years for us to learn about the world, our environment, behaviors, other peoples...and we each experience it in different ways. TAKE A WORD, a fun challenge blog,  was interested in seeing how we as artists think about CHILDHOOD... above is my grandson just a few years ago, in his pensive mood...

Youngsters from the village where my Ethiopian adopted families live...playing with their photo as they returned from the fields...a childhood of hard work... 

A different kind of filled with terror and heartache...children of the Holocaust
Also in Africa...the elders take a very active role in the development and teaching of the children...and their nurturing as well
Well, 'tis that time of year...the time of frightening visions, thoughts, fears and fantasies...Halloween! The CREAVIL CHALLENGE BLOG wanted to see our visions...the above and those below are MY visions for All Hallow's Eve!
SUNDAY POSTCARD ART, in the Halloween spirit, was interested in Haunted Houses..
THINK MONDAY-THINK ATC  was into Vampires and Bats...FUN images...dark!

This should get you thinking about All Hallo0w's EVE... last year, my grandchildren went as Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. I'm looking forward to seeing what excites their imaginations this year...

 Hoping to see you for my next posting. Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Absolutely love your work! The current offering is in turns poignant, touching, joyful and sad, encompassing the range of human emotions. The images evoke powerful feelings of the past entwined with the future. Love the pic of you as a young girl, too cute. I am thrilled to finally be able to share my thoughts on your art. Hugs Zena

  2. I love all of your art but especially like Valentina! What a couple of cute kids!

  3. Absolutely fantastic! You sure know how to play with your photos. Beautiful work!

  4. You've been very creative again. Thanks for joining the Creavil challenge.

  5. So many fantastic works. I love the children!
    Thanks for showing it for creavil.
    Hugs mamapia
