Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21, 2013

Spring's in the air...snow's melting!

Hi Folks,
There are just strips of the off-white, formerly pure white fluffy stuff left around our garage...the last remnants of winter. Haven't seen any new green growth pushing up through our thawing earth yet, though! Has Spring "sprung" where you live? Last year at this time it was in the 80's here in Central New York. Today, it's a mere 21 degrees!! Amazing difference...

The art blog challenges for this week are varied. CRAZY AMIGO blog is thinking ahead to June I think...they want participants to do a piece about weddings. I used the wedding photo of a sweet girl I've known since she was 6 and came to our city for open heart surgery. She lives in Russia and we've kept in touch all these years. Now in her mid-20's and a mother of one (so far,) I put her and her husband in a vintage book...

Flicker's DIGITALMANIA has us inspired by two this week and one for next! This week it's Jacub Gagnon, a Canadian artist who does whimsical, surreal renderings of wildlife set against a stark black background. 
"Bath Time"
The second artist is a young Korean man who works primarily with faces and bright colors. His name: Minjae Lee.

INSPIRATION AVENUE is curious to see where we live. I was born in New York piece is about taking the subway trains! It's vintage because some of the older women dressed like this when I was little and was taking the train with my Nana!! Seems like yesterday...

Mail Art is this week's TAKE A WORD theme...

Finally, THINK MONDAY-THINK ATC asks to see anything about fashion. I created a girl perusing a vintage fashion magazine...

Enjoy your weekend and your week upcoming...see you again sometime next week (I hope!) Thanks for stopping by- Happy Spring!



  1. fantastic idea, a woman loiks a magzine - sooo cool!!! Thanks

  2. It's been lightly snowing here and well below freezing all week - the new snow blends in with the old snow sludge and I'm thinking we'll probably skip spring and go directly to summer in April (do not collect $200). I like your cosmic cat and giraffe. The texture and color on your painted face is entrancing. I remember my nana dressing like your subway lady.Great wild life in tour mail art. I'm intrigued by how you created the girl and magazine piece.

  3. Once again I had a great time with your ever so interesting blog. Love the art (of course!). We had 4" of snow on Cape Cod this a.m. so not feeling to much like Spring, but I return your good wishes for a very happy season. I went to Hunter College, NYC and have a love/hate relationship with the city, but nostalgia does paint things brighter and now I often feel the lack of that bustling city.

  4. Your images are wonderful! The NYC piece captures the liveliness of being in the city. I love the vintage components. It must have been a grand adventure to take the subway with your nana when you were little. So glad you joined the IA challenge.
