Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013

Who is Susan Tuttle, you ask? She's a digital SLR photographer, iPhoneographer, digital artist and author. You can see a variety of her art here!  Primarily a photographer, I love her art...especially the way she creates pieces with her photos and  iPhone apps!! She's the artist to inspire participants this week at Flicker's online art group, DIGITALMANIA. I wanted to show you just how inspired I am by her ph0tography... I manipulated some photos in photoshop, reminiscent of her style...

By playing with colors, lighting, shading and filters as well as using a combination of  your everyday photos (taken with iphone, ipad or regular camera,)  you can make wonderful pieces of art!! I'm working on that...

One more challenge blog piece for THINK MONDAY-THINK ATC whose theme had to do with "legs..." a fun piece!!
Enjoy your weekend. Hope to see you sometime next week!
Thanks for stopping by...


  1. I love your art, Abbyj. A wonderful "legs ATC", it's amazingly fun and well done. B/w images and colours match so well to gether. And the vintage "man"-work is lovely as well the others, too. Happy weekend to you!

  2. Your legs piece made me laugh. Your Susan Tuttle pieces are lovely.

  3. Your legs are so beautiful!!! I love your imagination.
