Saturday, August 10, 2013

VISION BOARD and other art
August 10, 2013
Have you ever heard of a VISION BOARD... sometimes called a Vision Collage, Dream Board, Treasure Map, Vision Map...? It's a wonderful, graphic way to help you define and align with what you really want for yourself in the future... they make your dreams or goals more tangible and solid. They help you realize and commit to your vision. They're also a fun, creative activity. After combing through several  magazines for representations of my personal visions, I came up with the following Vision Board. Can you decipher my dreams and wishes for a better Abby? This will be  an annual thing for me as I change and grow. Maybe you'll try it...
 On to a few blog art challenges...
SUNDAY POSTCARD ART 's current interest is for a "fish out of water." I did two pieces for this...I like the second one better than the first!!  Do you?

TAKE A WORD requested "wild animals" as their theme. I was happy to use one of my photos from a recent trip to Kenya.
Finally, THE THREE MUSES didn't care what our art was about as long as it included some script, text or type.
Wishing you an enjoyable and stress free week ahead. I hope to see you for my next posting...
Big hugs and thanks for checking in,


  1. hard to decide which fish I prefer, but you´re right: the second one is much more out of the box ... thanks for playing, my friend!

  2. I will have to think about the vision board concept; it might be a very useful thing to do. I agree with you about preferring the second Fish Out of Water image, but they are both good interpretations. The wartime text image is very powerful.

  3. Visiting you from SPA! Love both of your fish out of water creations - the second is my favorite, too!

  4. What beautiful work you've done this week Abby!
    I love your Ideas board and I particularly like your piece for the Script challenge! xx

  5. You are a master of collage- these are awesome!

  6. They are all very beautiful Abby, giraffes are very beautiful animals, great that you used one of your photos.

  7. Great work, Abby. The vision board is quite interesting. I loved the giraffes. The TM piece is my favorite. Poignant and effective! So good to see you back in action!

  8. I do love the little bird sawing off Pinoccio's nose with his saw-beak. Now, what does that tell us! I like your idea of the vision board, yours is so colourful and full of interest. My head was turning this way and that to read the text pieces.
    Fish Out of Water: didn't that little lad do well, catching such a large rainbow fish. They are both great images, and have claims to be the best, and I just can't choose between them, both lovely.
    Wild Animals: What a beautiful composition you have captured with the angles of the giraffes' necks, the trees and the birds, and the colouring is gorgeous.
    Text: The text of the writing, the soldier in the wood and the choice of graduated colours is marvellous.
    A whole post to take the breath away.

  9. Another fascinating array of art pieces! I can't stop looking at your Vision Board. Pinocchio having his nose cut off is especially interesting. The giraffes in the Take A Word challenge are wonderful.

  10. Great work this week as always, Abby, I love them all but I am especially intrigued by your piece for the Three Muses ... so emotive.

  11. Love the 'Three Muses' piece, Abby, your other ones are wonderful, too!
    I enjoyed reading of your travels in Ethiopia.

  12. beautiful photo of the giraffes!
    love what you created!

  13. I love these too!!!
    thanks for your comments!!!

  14. Abby, you always amaze and inspire me! Love to you my friend,
