Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 4, 2017 

Hi Folks,

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday. She'd be 106 if alive today. My Mom, a teacher and a musician, was responsible for introducing me to one of the great  loves of my! I thank her for that! Happy Birthday, Mom!!
I made time for some art challenges this week... finally. They're so much fun and a wonderful way to relax. I hope you've all had a somewhat relaxing, enjoyable week as well.
I'd like to share what I've done...thanks in advance for looking!
DIGITALMANIA's challenge was the first one I tackled. Participants were inspired by the art of one Emanuel M. Ologeanu, a Romanian mixed-media artist. Here's an example of his art...
 and here are some examples of mine;

DIGITAL WHISPER must have been thinking SPRING when they asked for a representation for swinging...

MIX IT MONTHLY wanted us to think about attending a Farmer's Market. I used a photo that I took at a market in France...
and finally, TAKE A WORD asked to see something in black and white with a bit of red.

That's it for this posting. Wishing you peaceful, happy days ahead...hoping you'll tune in for my next posting.

Big Hugs,


  1. I love seeing your digital art again. Of course I love them all; it's hard to pick a favorite. I absolutely love the two alley pieces and like the way they work together to reveal the focus figures. Love the exuberance of the first one and the retro quiet of the second one. The Farmer's Market piece captures the energy and color I remember from Italian farmer's markets. The red figures (I like the double use of the alley piece) in black and white are delightfully dramatic.

  2. Your pieces for the black'n'white with a pop of red challenge are fabulous. Though the rest is the least of the colors, it seems to be the most powerful as you have used it! Bravo!

  3. Wow how I love your artwork! Especcially the b&w ones with the red women in it! Those are incredible....AND the farmersmarket in france! What a treat...these markets are the best I guess..when I think of all the cheeses yuuummmm!! Wish I had one of those near by!! ♥ Conny

  4. Thanks for sharing this week's art, Linda. Each is special in its own way!

  5. Thanks for sharing this week's art, Abby. Each is special in its own way.

  6. All wonderful images! I really like the idea of swinging in Africa!

  7. Wonderful pictures each a mini vacation.
