Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 22, 2012  

RAINBOWS refresh my heart and soul!
Welcome back, family and friends, 
Hope this posting finds you all well and enjoying the tail end of the season (wherever you may be!) This weeks posting is all about art challenges...

The challenge blog at 4X4 FRIDAY asked participating artists to create a piece with a rainbow... I also chose "rainbows" for my 6 word memoir this week as well- they ARE beautiful, aren't they? 
COLLAGE OBSESSION and SUNDAY POSTCARD ART both declared their themes to be CIRCUS...I'm really into them having just finished reading "Night Circus."  INSPIRATION AVENUE asked artists to show where they wished to be...of course, in my current frame of mind, I chose THE CIRCUS!~!!~ Finally, THREE MUSES wanted to see something in black and white plus one more color...guess what my theme was for that?  Obviously...CIRCUS!!!

B and W and one color
One more CIRCUS choice... TAKE A WORD requested a piece of art that looked TATTERED- my last circus themed piece...I promise!!

Last (but not least,) CRAZY AMIGO CHALLENGE wanted to see if we were given a choice, where we'd travel to...of course, I chose AFRICA.

One last thing...a sneak peek at a project the PHOTOARTJOURNALS online Yahoo art group has been working this group as it's all about photography and improving your photographic skills. We're in the process of putting together a collaborative book using our photographs, but inverting the color...makes it look like a negative. Interesting's one photo I've played with: can you guess where I took the picture? 

All for now, dear family and friends.  Hope you'll stop by again.



  1. So creative & wonderful as ALWAYS! Stopping by to see what you've been up to is always refreshing, my friend. Love, Tiffany! xo

  2. I love all your circus artworks!
    The B&W ones are fabulous!
    The tattered one is my fav'!
    Well done Abby!

  3. Wow, I love your work and your blog. I've become your newest follower. I've also enjoyed some of the items on your Enjoying These list.

  4. Such an array of circus delights! Love both the African photos, particularly the continental face. Also love the Venice photo; I'm really enjoying working on the inverting photos.

  5. Lovely art, Abby. The circus ones are great!

  6. Beautiful work. Love the rainbow 4x4.

  7. Oh wow, what an array of beautiful pieces and what a feast for my eyes. Wonderful work.

  8. the circus! what a fun destination for the IA challenge! you do great work! thank you so very much for entering!! :D
