Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13, 2012  

 HOLY STEAMPUNK...a veritable visual feast!

I must start this post with a rave review of the Award-Winning movie, HUGO! Although it's billed as a family film, it's ideal for audiences from 12 to 100+...and although it has a young protagonist in Hugo Cabret, it's a story that touches on very ancient and eternal mysteries. Imagination is the currency of our dreams; literature and film are keys to the kingdom of our hearts. The brilliant Martin Scorsese understands this... I think that in HUGO, he shows us the importance of preserving that which makes us truly human... our imagination!! Visually, the film is extraordinary... especially if you're a lover of the STEAMPUNK genre of art. The sets are detailed, dazzling and very clever...a real reflection of its time.
The acting was equally marvelous... can you tell how much I enjoyed this movie??? It inspired me to do a little steampunk art of my own...
On to some art challenges... vintage seemed to be a popular subject this week... for both 4X4 FRIDAY and INSPIRATION AVENUE... here's one for two!
Carrying on the pen thought, here's one for THINK MONDAY- THINK ATC...
SUNDAY POSTCARD ART may have been thinking about SPRING when they declared their theme to be "our feathered friends..." and since I was in an ASIAN mood, it was reflected in my art!
Finally, this week's country for my POSTCARD CHALLENGE 2012 is the Netherlands/Holland. Did you know that its capital city, Amsterdam, is know as "Venice of the North?"  I'm working on my postcard and will post it this weekend. As the story continues between our two friends who are corresponding, one seems to be in some sort of trouble... more later!!

All for now. Glad you stopped by...Happy to "see" you!!



  1. Love,love,love the steampunk art Abby!

  2. As always, I really like what you've done. I also loved Hugo (saw it in 3D and absolutely loved going through the clock works). Your steampunk card has a loveliness often missing from steampunk. The two "pen" cards have such different tones and yet share so much. The spring card is a perfect harbinger of hope on the anniversary of the Japan earthquake and tsunami.

  3. Love your "japanese" owl.
    Sorry for your friend :(
